Reading Challenge 2016

There is nothing I love more than reading. I have always been a voracious reader, consistently being the top reader throughout my elementary and middle school years. When I got to college, however, my reading for pleasure really dwindled.

Now that I have graduated, Matt and I have both really gotten into reading again. I’ve even centered most of my resolutions this year around reading.

For one, I want to build a Little Free Library. I own tons of books and want to give others the chance to read them or add them to their collection.

Secondly, I have issued reading challenges to myself! I plan on doing the entire shorter list (shown below), and part, if not all, of the longer list as well. To help with this, I’ve also joined Emma Watson’s feminist book club on Goodreads! The first book in that club is “My Life on the Road” by Gloria Steinem, and I am really enjoying it so far!



Other books I am currently reading include:
“Go Set a Watchman” by Harper Lee
“Girls of Atomic City” by Denise Kiernan
“The Martian Race” by Gregory Bedford
“The Tales of Beedle the Bard” by JK Rowling

Books I am intermittently reading are:
“Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy
“Dragon’s Egg” by Robert L. Forward
“Skywalking” by Tom Jones
“Moonshot” by Deke Slayton and Alan Shepherd

Thirdly, I want to keep track of all the books I read this year, and which books I don’t finish (and why I didn’t finish them).

What are your reading goals this year? Are you interested in joining me in my reading challenges? Do you have any books that you recommend I read this year? Let me know! Maybe we can start a book exchange!